

100 tablets 

Each tablet contains 25 mg of Oxymetholone Aka Anadrol

For oral administration only

Anadrol: The Powerhouse of Mass Gains – An Extensive Guide

Welcome to a detailed exploration of Anadrol, a potent oral anabolic steroid widely recognized in the bodybuilding community for its remarkable efficiency in muscle mass gain. This comprehensive blog post is designed to offer an exhaustive overview of Anadrol, including its recommended dosage, half-life, and its significant role in the sphere of bodybuilding.

Introduction to Anadrol

Anadrol, chemically known as Oxymetholone, is a powerful oral anabolic steroid that has established a reputation for being one of the most potent mass-building agents available to bodybuilders and athletes.

Understanding Anadrol

  • Chemical Composition: Anadrol is a derivative of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), modified to enhance its anabolic properties and reduce its androgenicity.
  • Anabolic Properties: It is particularly noted for its effectiveness in increasing red blood cell production, which directly contributes to muscle growth and overall physical strength.

Dosage and Administration

  • Oral Administration: Unlike many other steroids, Anadrol is taken orally, making it more convenient for those who are averse to injections.
  • Half-Life: Anadrol has a relatively short half-life of about 8-9 hours.
  • Dosage Frequency: Due to its short half-life, it’s typically taken daily, with some athletes splitting the dose throughout the day to maintain stable blood levels.

Anadrol in Bodybuilding

Anadrol has been a staple in the world of competitive bodybuilding due to its profound effects on muscle growth and strength enhancement.

Primarily for Bulking

  • Massive Gains: Known for promoting significant increases in muscle mass in a very short time, it’s often used in bulking cycles.
  • Strength Surge: It also contributes to substantial increases in strength, allowing for more intense workouts.

Pre-Competition Use

  • Fuller Muscles: Anadrol can lead to fuller muscles, making it a choice for bodybuilders leading up to a competition, although it’s usually discontinued pre-contest due to water retention.

Benefits of Anadrol

  1. Rapid Results: One of the fastest acting steroids, offering visible gains in muscle size and strength within a few weeks.
  2. Appetite Enhancement: It can increase appetite, which is crucial for those trying to consume the high caloric intake needed for muscle growth.
  3. Red Blood Cell Production: Enhanced oxygen delivery to muscles leads to improved endurance and recovery.

Potential Side Effects

  • Estrogenic Effects: Despite being a DHT derivative, Anadrol can exhibit estrogenic side effects like water retention and gynecomastia due to its unique structure.
  • Liver Toxicity: As an oral steroid, it poses a risk of liver toxicity, making regular liver function tests essential.
  • Androgenic Side Effects: Can include accelerated hair loss, acne, and increased body hair growth, especially in individuals who are genetically predisposed.


Anadrol remains a potent force in the realm of anabolic steroids, particularly favored for its ability to rapidly increase muscle mass and strength. Its ease of use as an oral steroid and the dramatic gains it offers make it a popular choice among bodybuilders, especially in off-season bulking phases. However, its potency also brings significant risks, making responsible use and monitoring for side effects critical. Understanding Anadrol’s properties, respecting its power, and adhering to safe usage guidelines are key to harnessing its benefits effectively while minimizing potential health risks. Whether aiming for quick, substantial gains in muscle mass or a surge in strength, Anadrol can be an impactful addition to a well-planned bodybuilding regimen.

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