
Proviron Mesterolone

100 tablets

Each tablet contains 10 mg of Mesterolone also known as Proviron 

For oral administration only

Proviron in Bodybuilding: The Androgenic Edge – A Complete Exploration

Welcome to an in-depth overview of Proviron, also known by its chemical name Mesterolone, a unique androgenic steroid that has carved out a niche in the world of bodybuilding. This comprehensive blog post is crafted to provide a detailed understanding of Proviron, including its application, timing of usage, and its specific role in the bodybuilding sphere.

Introduction to Proviron

Proviron, a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), is a drug with strong androgenic properties and mild anabolic effects. In the medical field, it’s used primarily to treat male hypogonadism and low testosterone levels. In bodybuilding, Proviron is prized for its ability to enhance the effectiveness of other steroids used in a cycle and for its unique benefits.

Understanding Proviron

  • Mechanism of Action: Proviron acts by increasing the amount of free (active) testosterone in the body. It achieves this by binding strongly to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), which normally binds to testosterone, rendering it inactive.
  • Androgenic Properties: As a DHT derivative, it has significant androgenic properties, which contribute to increased muscle hardness and density.

Proviron in Bodybuilding

Proviron is not typically used for its muscle-building properties but is favored for other benefits crucial in a bodybuilding context.

Enhancing Steroid Cycles

  • Freeing Up Testosterone: Its ability to bind to SHBG increases the availability of testosterone, enhancing the effectiveness of other anabolic steroids in a cycle.
  • Anti-Estrogenic Effects: Proviron can exert mild anti-estrogenic effects, reducing the risk of estrogen-related side effects like gynecomastia and water retention.

When to Take Proviron

  • During Steroid Cycles: Proviron is often introduced in the middle or latter stages of an anabolic steroid cycle.
  • Dosage and Duration: The dosage can vary, but common use is around 50-100 mg per day. The duration of use is typically limited to the length of the steroid cycle.

Cutting Phases

  • Aesthetic Enhancement: Proviron is particularly beneficial during cutting phases, contributing to a more defined and vascular look due to its androgenic properties.

Benefits of Proviron in Bodybuilding

  1. Enhanced Muscle Hardness and Definition: Due to its androgenic nature, it can help in achieving a harder and more defined muscular appearance.
  2. Estrogen Control: While not as potent as traditional aromatase inhibitors, Proviron’s anti-estrogenic effects can aid in managing estrogen levels.
  3. Improved Libido: Its androgenic effects can also enhance libido, which can be suppressed during anabolic steroid cycles.


Proviron holds a unique place in the arsenal of bodybuilding supplements. While it may not be a powerful muscle-building drug on its own, its ability to enhance the effectiveness of other steroids and improve the aesthetic quality of muscle makes it a valuable addition to many steroid cycles. The timing and dosage of Proviron should be carefully considered in the context of overall cycle goals and the use of other anabolic steroids. As with any steroid or supplement, responsible use under guidance, considering individual goals and health conditions, is key to maximizing benefits while minimizing potential risks. For those looking to fine-tune their physique and optimize the effectiveness of their steroid cycles, Proviron offers a targeted approach to achieving these advanced bodybuilding objectives.

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