

100 tablets

Each tablet contains 25 mg of Clomifene Citrate also known as Clomid 

For oral administration only

Clomiphene in Bodybuilding: The Strategic Post-Cycle Therapy Agent

Welcome to an extensive overview of Clomiphene, commonly known in the bodybuilding community as Clomid, a drug originally developed for fertility treatment but widely adopted in the world of sports and bodybuilding. This blog post aims to provide a deep understanding of Clomiphene’s role in bodybuilding, particularly focusing on its timing, usage, and importance in post-cycle therapy (PCT).

Introduction to Clomiphene

Clomiphene Citrate, commercially known as Clomid, is not an anabolic steroid but a synthetic estrogen with both agonist and antagonist properties. It’s primarily used in medicine to induce ovulation in women but has a significant role in the realm of bodybuilding for hormonal recovery following anabolic steroid cycles.

Understanding Clomiphene

  • Mechanism of Action: Clomiphene works by blocking estrogen receptors, particularly in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. This blockade leads to an increase in the secretion of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH), which are crucial for stimulating natural testosterone production.
  • Usage in Bodybuilding: In bodybuilding, Clomiphene is used as a key component in post-cycle therapy to help restore the body’s natural testosterone production.

The Role of Clomiphene in Bodybuilding

The primary use of Clomiphene in bodybuilding is to recover the body’s hormonal balance after a cycle of anabolic steroids. Steroids can suppress natural testosterone production, and without proper PCT, it can take a long time for levels to return to normal, leading to losses in muscle gains, strength, and other side effects.

Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT)

  • Timing and Duration: Clomiphene is typically introduced into a PCT regimen immediately after a steroid cycle ends. The duration of PCT can vary, generally ranging from 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the severity of testosterone suppression during the cycle.
  • Dosage in PCT: The dosage of Clomiphene during PCT can vary based on individual needs, but a common approach is a higher dose at the start of PCT, gradually tapering down towards the end.

Benefits in Recovery

  • Restoring Testosterone Levels: Clomiphene is effective in stimulating the body’s own testosterone production, which is vital for maintaining muscle mass and overall well-being post-cycle.
  • Preventing Estrogenic Side Effects: Although it’s not an aromatase inhibitor, its estrogen-blocking effects in certain areas of the body can help mitigate some estrogen-related side effects.

Clomiphene vs. Aromatase Inhibitors

  • Different Mechanisms: Unlike aromatase inhibitors that prevent the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, Clomiphene works by stimulating testosterone production through a different mechanism. It’s often used in conjunction with aromatase inhibitors in PCT for a more comprehensive approach.


Clomiphene has become a cornerstone in bodybuilding for those undergoing steroid cycles, primarily due to its effectiveness in restoring the body’s natural hormonal balance post-cycle. Its role in stimulating endogenous testosterone production makes it a critical element in any PCT regimen, helping athletes and bodybuilders maintain their hard-earned muscle gains and minimize side effects associated with low testosterone levels. However, its use should be carefully planned and executed, ideally under the guidance of blood hormone level monitoring and a well-structured PCT protocol. Responsible use of Clomiphene, tailored to individual cycles and hormonal needs, is key to achieving a successful transition off anabolic steroids while preserving health and fitness achievements.

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